how long do bone spurs in your gum last?


Bone spur can exist in your gum usually for weeks or months after your dental surgery of tooth extraction or other oral surgeries involving the jaw bone. Bone spur can show no symptoms and be trapped in your gum for weeks and months. Once the sharp bony fragments appear in your gum, it causes pain and swelling before it is surgically removed by your dentist.

gum bone spur pictures

·         performed a tooth extraction,

·         undergone an oral surgery on jawbone or periodontal part of your gum

·         taken certain medications to treat bone disorders and diseases like bisphosphonate drugs

·         performed radiation or chemotherapy



After taking X-rays, MRI scanning or other radiographic imaging, your dentist can confirm whether it is bone fragment from bone spur or it is just another oral lesion that has been causing problems. Dentists or maxillofacial surgeons can start the treatment of bone spicule in your gum by oral hygiene regiment and systemic antibiotic therapy.

Because of the infection and inflammation in the exposed bone area in your gum, it is important to maintain oral health in the first place. This is why your dentist will prescribe oral hygiene products like mouthwashes that have chlorhexidine ingredient to better fight off bacterial activity. Then your dentist resorts to antibiotic therapy to stop your inflammation, infection and pain in the exposed bone site of your gum.

Finally comes the surgery to remove the bone spur in your gum. The surgical treatment for bone spur is removal or excision of the exposed bone or soft tissues around it. This is done with surgeries like sequestrectomy (the medical name for dead bone removal) or other surgical procedure that your expert dentist can recommend based on the stage of your bone appearance in the gum.

Can you treat bone spur in your gum at home?

If by treating we mean reduce the inflammation and infection, yes and we should choose that as part of our early stages of treatment. We should keep on cleaning our mouth and teeth in our daily oral hygiene activity. But the removal of the bone spicule and bone fragments in our gum is the dentist or a dental specialist’s job at the hospital or clinic.



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