What's a osteo spur (bone spicule)?

 Bone spur, sometimes referred to as bone spicule is visible as bony structures within the dental soft tissues. Bone spicule can be described as an extra bone that has been encased in the gum, and can cause discomfort, infection, or swelling and inflammation within your gum. Bone spurs are result of dental surgery, diseases (e.g. tooth extraction) or medications, as well as dental injuries or trauma. Bone spurs or bone spicule within gum is medically known as osteonecrosis of jaw (ONJ). Necrosis means dead , and in this case it is an un-dead bone fragment that pops out of the gum. It can occur in both jaws. You may believe it's a sign of broken teeth but it's not.

Lip color, like skin color, is different in different people. Always wondering if your lip color has changed or wondering if there is something wrong with your body? You should compare your lip color with its previous state, not with other people's.

Purple lips can be a sign of several conditions, including low blood oxygen levels, cold temperatures, Raynaud's disease, cyanosis, or even a reaction to certain medications. If you are concerned about the color of your lips, it is best to consult a health care professional.


The reasons for bone spurs that occur within your mouth

There are many reasons behind the sharp bony areas that protrude from your gums.

•          The extraction of a tooth

•          Dental injury

•          Medicines (some bisphosphonates medications)

•          Poor oral health and deficiency of vitamins and nutrition

•          Oral surgeries such as oral implant or periodontal surgeries or

•          Chemotherapy and radiation therapy

•          Drinking alcohol and smoking (especially during health problems of major importance)

What are bone spurs and where do they typically occur?

Bone spicules are seen on the bony regions inside your mouth, in the area where your jaw ligament and bones are. The most frequently encountered site for bone spicules or bone spurs is:

•          In your gums, both lower and upper jaws

•          the mouth areas where you've been the location of your mouth where you have

•          the place of surgery which involve your jaw bone such as dental implants or periodontal surgery

Common signs of bone spurs on your gums

The sharpness of the teeth can be felt by people. or large amounts of bone that appear within and around their gums. There is a chance that you are concerned about this nefarious bony area in your mouth. It could cause irritation to soft tissues, like your cheek, tongue , or lips. If you'd like to be sure that they are the bony areas we're talking about, that are visible within your gums and are causing irritation, you should be aware of the signs and signs. If you've got a bone spicule within your gums, then you are suffering from these signs:

•          the bone piece extends from the gum(easy to spot with just a quick glance)

•          Pain

•          Redness and irritation

•          swelling of your gums and the soft tissue surrounding

•          tooth/teeth that are loose

•          Infection

How long do the gum bone spurs will last?

Bone spurs can be found within your gums, usually for a period of weeks or even months following the dental procedure of tooth extraction or other oral surgery that involve Jaw bone. Bone spurs may not show signs and remain within your gums for a period of weeks or months. After the sharp bone fragments appear in your gums they cause swelling and pain before it is surgically removed by your dentist.


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