What is a dental composite?

 Composite Fillings is one of these restorative methods that has many fans and is used to correct people's smile designs.

A dental composite is a thin layer of general veneer composite that is made the same color as the individual's teeth and installed on the tooth, so that it cannot be distinguished from other natural teeth. In fact, composite is a paste-like material that is ready-made and has a color spectrum that is selected in harmony with the color of the person's healthy teeth.

What are the advantages of dental composite?

Due to the fact that the composite is used as a type of cover for the teeth, there is no need to change the structure of the tooth, and in fact, the minimum amount of preparation can be seen in this method. In addition, no changes or damage can be seen to the dentin, enamel and root of the tooth.

·         Short treatment duration

 Considering the importance of time in today's world, this can be said to be one of the most important advantages of this method.

·         The price is right

The reasonable price of composites has made it possible for anyone with any kind of budget to use this method.

·         Ability to repair and replace

If there is any problem such as the separation of the composite layer from the tooth, it can be easily repaired or replaced by visiting a doctor.

·         Simplicity of treatment

In this method, no anesthesia is needed to place the composite on the teeth, and the doctor can easily do his work without any bleeding.

·         Long life

Regarding the lifespan of dental composites, it can be said that if you follow all the health tips related to them and follow the recommendations given by the doctor to take care of composites, you can last for 10 years or even more use it.

What are the complications of dental composite?

·         Fracture in composite

 To make dental composites, they use a material called resin, which is less strong than other materials such as amalgam and ceramic. Sometimes it may break due to the pressure applied on it.

·         Composite yellowing

 Among the complications of tooth composite veneer, we can mention its yellowing and discoloration. Due to the fact that one of the uses of composites is its beauty, its yellowing and color change can be annoying. For this reason, it is necessary to polish the composites with a doctor once or twice a year to return them original color.

·         Tooth Decay

 One of the most important complications of dental composite that most patients suffer from is tooth decay. Usually, people who use dental composites must seriously observe their oral and dental hygiene because otherwise they will suffer from caries.

·         Sensitivity in the teeth

 The use of composites sometimes causes a person to be sensitive to heat and cold, and this sensitivity may remain for a month or even more.

·         Misalignment of teeth

 Sometimes there may be discomfort due to the teeth not matching each other, which can cause discomfort for the patient when talking, laughing, eating, etc.

·         Gum inflammation and swelling

Gum swelling is one of the most common side effects of composite teeth, which is due to the type of activities performed in this method.

What is the cost of composite dental veneers?

The cost and price of dental composite varies depending on the brand used.


The use of a dental composite is to correct irregularities, malformation, yellow color, protrusion and distance between teeth. A skilled dentist can fix the defects of a person's teeth in the best possible way by using the best materials.


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