
Showing posts from February, 2023

Why do we have to pull teeth?

  Tooth extraction is one of the treatment options that is suggested in the last stage of treatment. In situations where the tooth cannot be repaired or a root canal cannot save it and in special conditions like an impacted tooth (e.g., wisdom tooth), extraction is the only choice. Reasons such as: Decay and infection: If the level of tooth decay and infection is such that it is impossible to save the tooth through filling, root canal treatment or other restorative methods, the dentist will suggest a tooth extraction. Crowding of teeth and orthodontic treatment: If the teeth are messy and crowded or if one or more extra teeth have grown in, tooth extraction is necessary so that the other teeth have enough space to align in a normal direction. A person may need tooth extraction before or during orthodontic treatment. Tooth damage or injury: If the tooth is broken in an accident and the tooth fracture is severe, the tooth must be extracted. Periodontal diseases (gum