What are temporary anchorage devices (TADs)?

 Temporary anchorage devices or TADs are anchorage tools that are mechanically fixed into the bone in the mouth to act as anchor for your orthodontic appliance. TADs can be removed when your Orthodontic anchorage treatment is over or when it is not necessary anymore.

TADs are screw-like devices that are implanted in the skeletal areas of oral cavity. The TADs anchorage has changed orthodontic treatment in dramatic way. Before these devices, most of the orthodontic treatment required surgical procedures for treating complex irregularities in teeth. You had no choice to do surgeries if you wanted to complete your orthodontic treatment when irregularities in your teeth were severe.

The areas that TADs are placed should have bone density and bone maturation is needed. For orthodontic treatment of children, orthodontists wait for the appropriate age of the child when they get to the 12 years of age or till their puberty periods of children. Then, they implant the TADs into the bony area. Alveolar bone, rooftop of the mouth (palatal bone), lower and upper jaw bones and zygomatic arch in the jaw are the skeletal structures for the implanting TADs anchorage in orthodontics.


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