How sugar damages your teeth?

 In our modern day, eating patterns have changed dramatically and sweets play a major part in these recent eating changes. Sugar is in variety of natural foods we eat and found in large number of consumer products. The rise of marketing competitions between the food and drink companies have made sweetened and process foods even more attractive to buy and accessible to get.

This makes you choosy and selective among all these sugary foods and drinks. And this when people say “I have a sweet tooth”, which they mean they love sweets a lot. But over-consuming sugar and eating sweet foods doesn’t have as sweet results as you might think. An uncontrolled sweet tooth or sugar craving will have long lasting damages to your health. Every time you overeat sugary drinks and sweets, think about tooth decay and dental caries, obesity, and diseases like diabetes that lurking around to harm you.

You may treat yourself with any sweet things like chocolate, candy or soft drinks that are handy in the nearby supermarkets when hungry or just out of fun. Most of the time, you don’t give in by one piece a day and you crave more for sugar even when you are tired, stressed or even excited. At the end, you end up being addicted to sugar and sugar craving has been difficult to stop.


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