
Showing posts from November, 2022
   Diastema is actually a gap between two teeth that can be seen in some people, both children and adults. It is not harmful and this space can be created between any teeth. If someone does not like the appearance of their diastema, they can reduce or eliminate the gaps. Diagnosis of diastema is easy and the dentist notices the distance between the teeth by examination. And the person himself notices the gap between the teeth when brushing and flossing. Cause of diastema Could it be hereditary? Yes, the size of the teeth and jawbone is usually genetic. Tooth and jaw size: Some people's teeth are smaller than the jawbone. Therefore, it may cause gaps between the teeth. Also, if some teeth are missing or smaller than other teeth, it may create a gap between the teeth. Habits: Finger sucking , lip sucking, tongue thrust, and similar habits can put pressure on the teeth and cause diastema. Complications If it is acute, it causes speech problems. Children may find

How To Look Beautiful Naturally From The Inside Out

 When people think of beauty, many times they thing of prettiness and loveliness. Beauty is not only on the outside, and it is a very subjective thing. At the same time, doing your best to be beautiful is something that any woman can do with ease. Here are some tips all about beauty. Blepharoplasty , or eyelid surgery, is a surgery performed to correct baggy eyelids by removing excess fat, skin, and muscle from the eyelids. Eyelid surgery can serve both functional and cosmetic goals. Sometimes droopy eyelids may block one’s point of view, and this surgery can correct the eyelids. Therefore, this surgery makes you look younger and improves your sight as well. Keep wool pads that have been soaked in water, in your fridge. You can also keep teabags or cucumbers in your fridge. This is great if you have puffy eyes and can relieve them. Using this on your eyes will make you look refreshed and will last all day. Never go to the cosmetics counter for skincare application tips whi